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  • What's wrong with the world mama?People living like aint got no mamas,
  • I think the whole worlds addicted to the dramaOnly attracted to the things that bring you trauma
  • Overseas yeah we tryin to stop terrorism. But we still got terrorists here livin.
  • In the USA the big CIA, the Bloodz and the Crips and the KKK.
  • But if you only have love for your own race, then you only leave space to discriminate, and to discriminate only generates hate, and if you hatin you're bound to get irate, Yeah, madness is what you demonstrate, and that's exactly how anger works and operates. You gotta have love just to set it straight, take control of your mind and meditate
  • Let your soul gravitate to the love y'all

  • People killing people dyingChildren hurtin you hear them crying Can you practice what you preachWould you turn the other cheek?Father Father Father help us Send some guidance from above Cause people got me got me questioning Where is the love?

  • It just ain't the same all ways have changed. New days are strange is the world the insane?If love and peace so strong. Why are there pieces of love that don't belong,nations dropping bombs.
  • Chemical gases filling lungs of little ones, with on going suffering As the youth die young So ask yourself is the loving really strong? So I can ask myself really what is going wrong, With this world that we living in People keep on giving in, Makin wrong decisions Only visions of them livin and. Not respecting each other, Deny thy brother.
  • The wars' going on but the reasons' undercover.The truth is kept secret Swept under the rugIf you never know truth, then you never know love Where's the love y'all?(I don't know)Where's the truth y'all?(I don't know)Where's the love y'all?

  • People killing people dying Children hurtin you hear them cryingCan practice what you preach Would you turn the other cheek?Father father father help us Send some guidance from aboveCause people got me got me questioning Where is the love

  • I feel the weight of the world on my shoulder, As I'm getting older y'all people get colder, Most of us only care about money makin, Selfishness got us followin the wrong direction.
  • Wrong information always shown by the media, Negative images is the main criteria, Infecting their young minds faster than bacteria, Kids wanna act like what the see in the cinema.
  • Whatever happened to the values of humanity, Whatever happened to the fairness and equalityI, nstead of spreading love, we're spreading anomosity, Lack of understanding, leading us away from unity.
  • That's the reason why sometimes I'm feeling under That's the reason why sometimes I'm feeling down It's no wonder why sometimes I'm feeling under, I gotta keep my faith alive, until love is found.


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En una Isla

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Una persona debe fijar sus objetivos cuanto antes y dedicar toda su energía y talento a ellos. Walt Disney

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